40 years of babies dying every day and a 60 MILLION-baby-body-count have painted a horrific picture about how badly that approach has failed.
So please, contact your state representative right away and demand they co-sponsor the Hood-Vitale Ohio Life at Conception Act!
Call them, email them, send them a Facebook message – whatever you do, please do it right away.
Second, I have to ask for your most generous financial contribution to Ohio Pro Life League as well.
Legislation like this will not be easy to pass.
Controversial legislation never is.
But if we are to be successful, it will require tens of thousands of pro-life moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, aunts and uncles and cousins to get involved in this battle.
It will be a massive undertaking, but many hands makes light work!
Not only that, but we have Help on our side – take heart!
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 3 that “so then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.”
The Ohio Pro Life League is committed to planting and watering this issue and helping make it the biggest pro-life political issue for the generation ahead, if necessary.
But it will be God who gives our efforts increase!
I hope you will join with us by contributing as much as you can afford.
Whether you can afford $5,000 dollars or $5 dollars or somewhere in between, we would gratefully accept every penny you can spare.
With your contributions, we will immediately begin a statewide effort to identify and mobilize pro-lifers through digital, email and social media campaigns as well as direct mail delivery.
These efforts will not be inexpensive, but they are what is necessary if we are to be effective.
So please, contact your State Representative today and tell them to cosponsor the Ohio Life at Conception Act by Representatives Ron Hood and Nino Vitale!
And when you are done please contribute as much as you can afford to help launch this effort.
For the Unborn and in Christ,
Rev. Richard Knodel
Ohio Pro Life League
P.S. Ohio Pro Life League has been working hard to bring forward 100% pro-baby “Life at Conception” legislation, and today we’ve done that.
Authored by Representatives Ron Hood and Nino Vitale, this life-saving legislation would protect EVERY unborn baby from the moment of conception.
Please contact your State Representative right away and demand that they sign on as a co-sponsor to the Ohio Life at Conception Act!
To find out who your representative is, please click here.
When you are finished, please also consider a financial contribution to the Ohio Pro Life League.
Whether you can afford a major contribution of $5,000 or whether $5 is more appropriate for your budget, please be as generous as you are able.
Every penny you can afford to give will be put to use in a statewide effort to identify and mobilize pro-lifers through digital, email, social media and direct mail campaigns.
It is vital if our efforts on behalf of the unborn are to be successful!
Copyright © 2018. Ohio Pro Life League is a 501(c)(4) Non Profit Organization registered with the Ohio Secretary of State. Donations are NOT tax deductible.